Wednesday, April 30, 2008

People Magazine's prettiest!

Get a sneak peak at People Magazine's most beautifu cover girls....,,20196561,00.html.....Rumor Willis?????...come about riding on her mom and dad's coat tails! What do you think?

Hear the new Coldplay song!

The new Coldplay album is called "la Vida or Death and all his friends". It's coming to a store near you June 12, but listen to this song before it's released.....

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Singer Paul Davis dead at 60

He had hits like, "I go crazy", "Sweet life" and "Cool night". Singer Paul Davis passed away of apparently a heart attack at the age of 60. He celebrated his 60th birthday yesterday, April 21st.

Thumbs up to Janine Ortiz...a listener in Massillon

Here's Janine with her two shelter dogs and she writes.....

As far as the "pic telling a thousand words" ...Selena, my smaller dog, is more independent; after all she'd been through she looks so regal. Chevy, thinks he is a lap dog and likes to stay close to me. His bright eyes - a very aware dog. Then, of course, there is me with that shirt and my dogs - that could tell a keen observer alot about me.

As mentioned before, Chevy is an APL dog - from an APL shelter in Massillon, not Cleveland. Unfortunately, the Massillon shelter shut down. Adopting Chevy was about wanting a dog and also about adopting a homeless dog. I do not know exactly when he was born, but he was about 5 months old when I brought him home which puts him at about 6-1/2 soon. Chevy has been an absolutely awesome buddy; an intelligent and fun dog! He keeps me hopping.

As for Stark County Pound dog, Selena, it was not about really wanting another dog it was about making another small dent in the homeless dog situation. About 2-1/2 years after adopting Chevy I set out to adopt an older, less-likely-to-be-adopted, dog with pretty much no other requirements except being able to fit through our medium sized doggie door. On Dec 17, 2004 I pulled a nameless dog from the pound; she was dirty, emaciated, flea infested and freezing. I fed her a bit in the car and straight to the vet we went where it was obvious, also to the vet, that she had bonded to me all ready. I took her home, gave her a flea bath, kept her warm etc. Her actions showed she was grateful. It was one of the most rewarding things I'd ever done. How old? She refuses to tell me! Selena was pretty much nothing I'd ever wanted in a dog but she does not care because she won -- I love her to pieces!

You do not have to be someone who is working on animal welfare night and day to make a big difference. Adopting and caring for one shelter/rescue pet makes a huge difference for that pet and opens space and time for another. It also makes a difference through the unspoken message that it aims to send.

I used to fret about - and sometimes still do - not doing more, not saving more. One day a women who worked with a rescue organization said the me: "You adopted two dogs from shelters...? You did alot. Her words have stayed with me and have made me feel better.

...and a shirt says it all : )
What a beautiful story....share your shelter story with me at
If you need help finding a dog or cat, check out the many links of shelters on our website.....

The girl with the sign in the front row at Michael Buble was NOT a set up!

Check out this email I got today.....

Hi! My name is Alesha, I am from Fort Erie, Ontario. I was sitting front row at the AMAZING Buble concert Saturday night. I was also holding a sign that read "Michael... My boyfriend ditched me last minute. Please help me make him jealous." My new Cleveland friend that was sitting beside me called me today saying that there was quite a bit of talk about it being a set-up. I'm not sure if I am sending this to the right person, but I promise that it was not! I had about an hour to fill my boyfriend's seat, and no one could make the lengthy trip on such short notice. So I drove 3.5hrs there and back by myself because there was no way I was passing up front row centre tickets to see him. But I thought, lets make the best of an unfavourable situation and make it funny, so I made the sign, not thinking it would be a big deal and because I payed good money for the ticket and wanted the seat filled! Anyways, I just wanted to clear that up and say it wasn't set up by anyone, just a huge Buble fan trying to make the most of being at the concert by herself!I'm going to attempt to attach a couple photos. If they work one will be of me and my sign, and one of Michael laughing at it haha All the best!


Sunday, April 20, 2008

Michael Buble gives me the thumbs up for WDOK!!!!

What a great show with Michael Buble Sat. night at the Wolstein Center. Here are our online winners Michelle Nickita and her husband Gary from Chardon and Caitlin Brown from Stongville and her boyfriend Jason. My mother-in-law is a huge Michael Buble fan and was thrilled when Michael called her "Mom"!
I asked Michael what he thought of WDOK and I guess he liked what he heard cuz he gave me a big thumbs up! I can't wait to see him the next time he comes to Cleveland!

Thursday, April 17, 2008

New rules for airlines overbooking flight could pay off for the consumer


Have you ever been bumped from a flight because the airline oversold the plane? It happens every day.

--Usually, they'll ask people to voluntarily give up their seat in exchange for a first class seat on another plane, or a hotel voucher, or airline miles, or whatever.

--But sometimes . . . there isn't anyone willing to give up their seat . . . and then people are involuntarily bumped. Thankfully, your Federal government has stepped in to rectify this!

--Yesterday, the Transportation Department announced that airlines who oversell flights MUST compensate passengers who are involuntarily bumped to another plane . . . with cold, hard CASH. Here's the breakdown . . .

--If you get bumped from your flight, the airline will pay you $400 if you get on another plane and arrive at your destination within TWO HOURS of the original arrival time . . . or within FOUR HOURS of the original time if you're flying internationally.

--But, if your arrival is delayed even longer than that . . . the airline has to pay you $800.

--According to the Transportation Department, the new policy is aimed at strengthening passenger protections, improving consumer choice and reducing airport and flight congestion. The new policy goes into effect next month.,0,5981030.story

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Get your pet's picture on a calendar and help the Cleveland APL

Don't miss the chance for your pet to be featured in the inaugural 2009 Cleveland Animal Protective League's Pet Calendar honoring our area's much-loved and entirely way-too-cute animal companions! All you have to do is take some photos of your pet, select your favorite, and submit it to the Cleveland APL’s, “Make Your Furry Friend a Star Calendar Contest,” along with a registration form (available at and $25 entry fee. A panel of our local celebrity friends will judge the entries and select 12 pictures that will be featured as “Pet of the Month.” Even if not selected for “Pet of the Month,” your pet’s picture is guaranteed to be included on the pages of the 2009 Cleveland APL Pets Calendar AND you will receive a copy of our calendar in October 2008. All of the proceeds from this unique opportunity to feature your animal pal will benefit the programs and services of the Cleveland APL! You won’t only be helping a homeless animal who’s waiting for a new best friend like you; you’ll also be making your pet a star! The RulesPhotos must be of pets only—no people, please!You may complete the registration and payment form online and then submit your photo(s) electronically via email to with “Furry Friend” in the subject line, with your name and contact information in the body of the email OR by mailing a color 4x6 horizontally-formatted photograph to our regular mailing address, ATTN: “Furry Friend,” with your registration form and payment.We cannot accept Polaroid photos or copyrighted professional photographs, and we cannot return the photographs.Do not stamp or write on the back of the photo.For digital photos, provide sharp images that are 300 dpi or larger and in JPEG (JPG) or TIFF format. Please name digital files with the pet’s first and last name, i.e. “FidoJones.jpg.”All entries will be blind judged by the Cleveland Animal Protective League and the top 12 selected photos will be featured as “Pets of the Month.”All entries must be postmarked by August 1, 2008, and will be included in the 2009 calendar.Those chosen for “Pet of the Month” will be notified by phone or mail.

I think I'll submit this picture of my Duffy for the calendar. It was taken by our own Rick Majors who is a fabulous photographer!

5 Rules to avoiding that midday slump at work

A friend of our family used to work at one of the utility companies and during his retirement he told the story of the time he nodded off at work. His co-workers decided to teach him a lesson and shut his door and the lights off. He woke up around 7 or 8 that night wondering where in the heck he was! :)


We've all hit that midday slump at our jobs . . . where we feel absolutely exhausted and just DON'T WANT TO WORK ANYMORE. Here's some good news: That slump can be avoided. Here's how . . .

#1.) SLEEP. This is pretty cut and dry: You have to get at least seven or eight hours of sleep every night . . . or else you'll, obviously, be tired . . . and you're not going to make it through a full day of work.

#2.) EAT HEALTHILY. You know the drill. Make sure to eat plenty of fruits and veggies. This basically guarantees that you'll have steady sugar levels throughout the day . . . so you don't crash.

#3.) EAT SMALL MEALS. Don't just do one massive meal . . . and think that it'll hold you over. It won't. Eat small snacks every few hours, even before and after lunch. And drink water instead of sodas.

#4.) GET OUT OF THE OFFICE. Most of us can't up and leave whenever we feel like it. But instead of staying in during your lunch break, go out for a 15 or 20-minute walk. It'll clear your mind, and help you to de-stress.

#5.) PLAY GAMES. Unless it's totally frowned upon by The Man, keep some Sudoku or crossword puzzles at your desk. They keep your brain going when you're feeling sluggish.


Thursday, April 10, 2008

Are you an aspiring filmaker?


Veteran Hollywood Producer Larry Meistrich Offers Opportunity of a Lifetime to Learn the Trade and Pitch Ideas to be Produced from a $250 Million Fund
Last year's "Boot Camp" for aspiring filmmakers in Northeast Ohio was so well-received that Nehst Studios and the Greater Cleveland Film Commission will be offering a second three-day intensive workshop on the ins and outs of navigating the film industry, to be held Friday, June 27th through Sunday, June 29th. Participants will get an insider's look at how to navigate the film industry and then will have the chance to pitch and potentially sign their own production deal. The Aspiring Filmmakers Bootcamp will be hosted by the Greater Cleveland Film Commission.
NEHST Studios booked three pitches last time they were in Cleveland.
"People work for years and spend thousands to get this kind of insider information from a working producer. It's a bargain for anyone who's serious about filmmaking or the business of filmmaking." - Kevin Kerwin, Producer/Director
Learning about filmmaking from someone who has produced the volume and quality of work that Larry has is invaluable. I not only learned so much in three days, but I was invigorated to get to work on my next project. - Kate O'Neil, Producer
NEHST Studios Chairman, Founder and Hollywood insider, Larry Meistrich, offers a rare opportunity for local aspiring filmmakers and writers to pitch project ideas for potential development and distribution deals through PitchNehst.
"We are working hard to help break down the Hollywood barriers and make sure other talented aspiring filmmakers can take part in the industry as well," states Meistrich. Meistrich founded indie film studio The Shooting Gallery and is the award-winning producer of Sling Blade, Belly, You Can Count on Me, and Croupier.
WHAT: The Aspiring Filmmakers Boot Camp is a three day intensive workshop which will cover the how to's of producing, financing, filmmaking, and content creation. Topics include: how the business is changing, strategies you can use to succeed, career opportunities in the new media, and secrets to pitching your ideas, as well as producing/negotiating/distributing a feature film. Register at
Additionally, Meistrich will host a special PitchNehst session – the company's branded open pitch session. PitchNehst is designed to break down industry barriers for local aspiring filmmakers and writers. There are almost twenty properties in development which came to the company through PitchNehst.
WHEN: The Aspiring Filmmakers Boot Camp
Friday, June 27th to Sunday, June 29th, 2008
Fee: $395.00
$100.00 for students (call The Greater Cleveland Film Commission for the code)
(All Boot Camp attendees will have a free registration to the Sunday pitch session, or a free pitch on the online pitchNEHST site)
NEHST Studios is a diversified film production, financing and distribution company headed up by industry veteran Larry Meistrich – producer of Sling Blade and You Can Count on Me and founder of indie film studio The Shooting Gallery – and entrepreneur, CEO Ari Friedman. One of NEHST's goals is to remove entertainment industry barriers and open up the pitching and development process to anyone with a great idea. The company, which launched at the 2007 Cannes Film Festival, is currently developing several projects.
For more information on NEHST Studios, please go to

The Greater Cleveland Film Commission
The Greater Cleveland Film Commission was established in 1998 to promote the increased production of film, television, video, radio, and other types of media in northeast Ohio. The film commission has brought in over $55 million dollars through film and television projects. These projects have generated economic benefits for the region and increased training and job opportunities for northeast Ohioans.
For more information on The Greater Cleveland Film Commission, please go to
Cuyahoga Community College
Authentic Films

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Here's my bargain of the week!

Anyone who knows me, knows that I love to shop for bargains. I thought I'd share some of my weekly finds with you on my blog from time to time. Here's my latest, not the dog....that's my lil' angel Duffy sporting his new sweaters that I got for him at Petsmart for $3! We'll put them in his drawer for next season!

Thursday, April 3, 2008

New Kids on the Block ...they're back on the block

All five original New Kids on the Block members – Joey McIntyre, Donnie Wahlberg, Danny Wood and brothers Jordan and Jonathan Knight are back together and plan on touring this fall. They were suppose to perform on the today show April 4th, but had to cancel due to bad weather. They have been rescheduled for May 16th Here's what they look like now......