Sunday, August 12, 2007

What great fun we had at the Barrington Napa Classic!

This was Saturday night, Aug. 11th at Barrington Country club in Aurora at the Barrington Napa Classic, a benefit for the Western Reserve Historical Society. I so look forward to this event every year! Lots of great food, wine, you get to ride in a bunch of classic cars from the museum and a huge fireworks display at the end! You can see how much my friends Ed and Connie Babcock from the Junction Auto Family in Chardon enjoyed the event! Ed and Connie are really GOOD PEOPLE, as I say in the commercials! They do so much for the community, including one of my favorites, Rescue Village, the Geauga County Humane Society! It was a night I'll remember for a long time! Pictured at the top are Ed and Connie, my friend and co-worker, Renee Slattery and her adorable husband Bob (aka...Barbie and Ken), and me and my husband Jeff.

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