Monday, November 5, 2007

How do you get rid of those nasty fruit flies this time of year?

They're disgusting ....flying all over the kitchen....lookin' for someplace warm to hang's that time of the year.....THOSE FRUIT FLIES ARE BACK!!!!! How do you get rid of them? Put some cider vinegar with a couple of drops of dish soap in a bowl, add a little water to make bubbles, then cover with plastic wrap. Poke a few holes in the plastic and place on your counter and those babies will go right in there and they can't get out. You can also use molasses, fruit juice of a piece of old fruit to attract these babies. Just cover and poke holes in the plastic wrap and change every few days. They'll be gone in no time!


susan said...

thanks for the tip!!! i have been trying for a long time to get rid of them!!
thank you!!

Cher said...

Thanks, Nancy! I've been looking all over for something that gets rid of those varmits!!!! Nothing works....I will definitely try your tip. Huge thanks again!